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KRAKATAU POSCO Leaders Hiking dan Vision Sharing 2019

A vision inspires action. With a powerful vision, we will come together and focusing our ideas, people and resources to one direction. This Hiking and Vision Sharing event aim to increase the spirit and energy to PTKP leaders, to accomplish company strategic objective and goals.


Selasa, 30 April 2019 KRAKATAU POSCO menggelar kegiatan KRAKATAU POSCO Leaders Hiking dan Vision Sharing 2019. 
Seluruh Leaders KRAKATAU POSCO berkumpul di HRDC untuk hiking bersama menuju Gunung Pinang, Serdang. 
Setelah menuntaskan pendakian, Direksi dan Leaders berbagi visi di tahun 2019. Ironmaking Department terpilih sebagai The Most Passionate Group dan Sales & Marketing Department sebagai The Most Harmony Group. 
Bersama, KRAKATAU POSCO siap mewujudkan visi.